By: Lizzie Thibodeau
Photography has always been shrouded in romantic complexity, something I felt was out of my grasp of talents. I was always self-conscious to show anyone my photographs and now I live with so many unopened cans of film. In Echoes of Breath there are large digital mounted prints from ghost towns in CA and AZ, as well as close up images of 600 polaroid film from a Santa Cruz beach. The large digital images helped to define the trajectory I needed to complete my current work. Looking through the windows of decaying homes and store-fronts revealed layers of time, beautiful layers of decay. I see these photographs as a self-portrait. The polaroid’s also have layers within the frame and the film make up. The film was exposed to varying temperatures to alter the film as it develops. The altered film to many may be considered ruined, but to me this adds a layer of beauty.